Job Overview
Department Chair in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
SUNY Korea invites applications for the position of Chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS), starting Spring 2025. SUNY Korea is a global campus of Stony Brook University (SBU) and the State University of New York, offering degree programs from SBU’s College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) and College of Business. SUNY Korea is part of the Incheon Global Campus (IGC) in Songdo, a campus shared with a number of leading international universities. Songdo is a new town, about one hour from Seoul, in close proximity to the Incheon International Airport. Korean and international high-tech firms have already located in Songdo, and university relationships with industry are excellent. SUNY Korea provides its students with an American university experience in Korea with instruction in English. Its student body is international.
Job Description
The chair is responsible for facilitating the operation of the department in collaboration with Stony Brook University. The chair has the responsibility for providing leadership toward the achievement of the highest possible level of excellence in the teaching, research, and service activities of the department. The chair is responsible for the recruitment, selection, and evaluation of both the academic and the staff personnel of the department.
- Ph.D. in mathematics, statistics or a closely related field from a US institution
- Fluency in English.
- Academic rank of a tenured faculty member, preferably at the level of full professor.
- A record of scholarship in a discipline represented within the mission of the department.
- Skilled in cross-cultural communication, with demonstrated enthusiasm for new experiences.
- Experience within higher education in the USA, to include 3-4 years of teaching or research is highly desirable.
To Apply
Send electronic inquiries, applications, and nominations to Dr. Hongshik Ahn, Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University and Chair, SUNY Korea, at [email protected]. Those interested in applying for the position should send the following items to Professor Ahn:
- a cover letter summarizing education, research, teaching, and other experience as it relates to the position;
- a curriculum vita with, full contact information;
- a teaching statement;
- a research statement; and,
- a list of at least 5 letters of recommendations.
Review of applications begins in August 2024 and continues until the position is filled.
Web Sites
- SUNY Korea:
- AMS at SUNY Korea:
- Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (AMS), Stony Brook University:
- Stony Brook University: