VISITING PROFESSOR POSITION in Kongju National University

Kongju National University

Job Overview

Posted by: Kongju National University

Job Title: Kongju National University Visiting Professor

Expected number of people: 1 person

Place for the job: Kongju National University Global Language Clinic

The Office of International Affairs(OIA) of Kongju National University is seeking qualified and experienced English Visiting Professor.


Kongju National University is willing to recruit the visiting professor to teach English for the students in the Global Language Clinic and the Institute of International Language Education in KNU.

2. THE PERIOD OF VISITING PROFESSOR: March 1st ,2024 to February 28th ,2025

*At the conclusion of the contract, it can be extended by mutual consent on a one-year basic.


a. The working hour will be from Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00.

Clock-in: 09:00, Clock-out: 18:00

b. Responsibilities: Teaching English at Global Language Clinic(GLC) and International Institute of Language Education(IILE), Copy Editing, Other works instructed by the President of Kongju National University and the Director for the Center of External Cooperation


a. Total amount of KRW 27,600,000 in 12 months

The amount is equivalent to KRW 2,300,000 per month (which is around USD1,970 per month without tax deduction), which will be given to the Visiting Professor every 17th of the month.

b. Social insurances(National Pension Service and National Health Insurance) will be deducted from the monthly paycheck.

c. Will provide with one month of paid vacation during each academic break( February and August)


a. The housing allowance(KRW 300,000) will be sent to personal account every 5th of the month.

b. A shared office at the Global Language Clinic is assigned to the Visiting Professor.


a. Essential Qualifications

  • 1) A person who does not fall under the grounds for disqualification under the subparagraphs of Article 33 of the Sate Public Officials Act

*Please check an attachment, “State Public Officials Act_Article 33(Grounds for Disqualification)” on the link below;document_srl=3395

  • 2) Native English Speaker from English-speaking country
  • 3) Foreigner who have legal & valid visa for the stay and the education activity in Korea until the expiration of the contract
  • 4) Holder of Bachelor’s degree or above
  • 5) Those who can work full-time

b. Preferred Qualifications

  • 1) Majored in the field of Education, English education or English literature
  • 2) Holders of English education certificates(e.g TESOL/TEFL/CELTA, etc)
  • 3) A person who have experiences in the Education Institutes in Korea
    (e.g Elementary School/Middle School/High School, University, etc)
  • 4) A person who are excellent in Office Automation(OA)
    (e.g MS-Office, Hancom Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc)
  • 5) A person who have a test report of Test Of Proficiency In Korean(TOPIK)
  • 6) A person who stays near Kongju National University(Gongju city, and Sejong city)

Required Documents

  • ○ Checklist for document submission
    *Please check an attachment, “Checklist for document submission” on the link below;document_srl=3395
  • ○ Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter
  • ○ Copy of Passport: Photo/ Information Page
    you are working in Korea, please specify your visa status and the expiration date and submit a copy of your Residence Card(Alien Registration Card, both front and back side)
  • ○ A copy of Diploma(s) affixed with and Apostille or A copy of diploma verified by the Korean consulate in your native country or A Copy Diploma attached with documents issued by the Korean Council for University Education(KCUE)
  • ○ Certificate of Employment, Certificate of your career
  • ○ Copies of Teaching Certificate(s) ( Teacher’s certificate, TESOL/TEFL/CELTA etc.)
  • ○ If you are living in Korea: Copy of Residence Card(Alien Registration Card, both front and back side)
  • ○ TOPIK test report: Only for the person who have TOPIK test report

6. Schedule for recruiting

  • Application Period: January 5th 2024 ~ January 22nd 2024
  • Document Screening: January 23rd 2024 ~ January 24th 2024
  • Interview: February 1st 2024

※Schedules may be changed depending on the situation of the office.

Send all hard-copy documents to the address below.

Please write “Application for the Visiting Professor in Kongju National University” on the surface of the envelope.

(English Address)

Office of International Affairs, Office #207, Sejong Community Edu-Culture Center, Kongju National University, 56 Gongjudaehak-ro, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 32588, Republic of Korea

(Korean Address)


충청남도 공주시 공주대학로56 공주대학교 세종한민족교육문화센터 207호 국제교류과


To apply, email [email protected]

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